Home>Biz field>LCD Monitor manufacture


We're going to manufacture a various monitors.



Ceiling mount monitor for car


15.4 inch TFT LCD Wide Ceiling mount monitor "Y154CM"

14.1 inch TFT LCD Ceiling mount monitor "Y141CM"

12.1 inch TFT LCD Ceiling mount monitor "Y121CM"



Wall mount monitor TV


23 inch TFT LCD Wall mount monitor "Y230WM"

10.4 inch TFT LCD Wall mount monitor "Y104WM"



LCD monitors


15 inch TFT LCD monitor "Y150PT-4(5)R(U)"

12.1 inch TFT LCD monitor "Y121PT-4(5)R(U)"

10.4 inch TFT LCD monitor "Y104PT-4(5)R(U)"



Resistive touch open frames


From 6.4 Inch VGA up to 19.0 inch SXGA



Infared touch open frames


From 10.4 inch SVGA up to 20.1 inch UXGA



Custom-made monitors


6.4 inch Panel mount Touch monitor - "Action point(USA)"

8.4 inch Panel mount Touch monitor - "Action point(USA)"

10.4 inch LCD TV - "VANEX(Korea)"

17 inch Panel mount LCD TV - "ECN-TV(Korea)"

20.1 inch Panel mount Touch monitor - "INI steel(Korea)"